乔布斯女儿回忆录Small Fry《小鱼小虾》英文原版
乔布斯女儿回忆录Small Fry《小鱼小虾》英文原版

乔布斯女儿回忆录Small Fry《小鱼小虾》英文原版

Lisa Brennan-Jobs

出版社:Grove Press




Born on a farm and named in a field by her parents--artist Chrisann Brennan and Steve Jobs--Lisa Brennan-Jobs's childhood unfolded in a rapidly changing Silicon Valley. When she was young, Lisa's father was a mythical figure who was rarely present in her life. As she grew older, her father took an interest in her, ushering her into a new world of mansions, vacations, and private schools. His attention was thrilling, but he could also be cold, critical and unpredictable. When her relationship with her mother grew strained in high school, Lisa decided to move in with her father, hoping he'd become the parent she'd always wanted him to be. Small Fry is Lisa Brennan-Jobs's poignant story of a childhood spent between two imperfect but extraordinary homes. Scrappy, wise, and funny, young Lisa is an unforgettable guide through her parents' fascinating and disparate worlds. Part portrait of a complex family, part love letter to California in the seventies and eighties, Small Fry is an enthralling book by an insightful new literary voice.



Small Fry 讲述了一个女孩在成长过程中,在母亲与父亲之间,在两种截然不同的生活环境之中,历经多年的挣扎与拉扯。

Lisa 的母亲是一位浪漫的、自由的、热爱美好事物的画家。

“Look at the sky,” my mother said. She was driving us home. “Isn’t it incredible?” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a stripe of hot-pink clouds running over the telephone wires, and glowing gold leaves on the sycamore trees beside the road. “I guess,” I said. My mother felt color acutely; it was one of the ways we communicated, her driving around the town, pointing out colors.

“I have nothing,” she said. “This life is shit. Shiiiiit.”
在多年的不闻不问之后,父亲乔布斯终于开始时不时地探望 Lisa.年幼的 Lisa 经常与母亲争吵,她开始愈发向往父亲的一切。她刻意地讨好父亲,做出希望让父亲喜爱自己的各种举动。她答应了父亲的条件,连续 6 个月不与母亲见面,以换取与父亲住在一起的资格。她给父亲及其妻子 Laurene 买的礼物比给母亲买的更贵重。发现 Laurene 心情低落时,Lisa 幻想自己是她的救星,她们可以像电影「末路狂花」(Thelma & Louise)里演的那样,一起逃亡。

与其相对的是父亲长久的冷漠和反复无常。当 Lisa 的母亲看中一座房子,希望父亲能够资助她们购买时,乔布斯却给自己买下了那所房子。Lisa 在父亲的住处经常被使唤看孩子(她的同父异母弟弟)。父亲不打算出钱修洗碗机,Lisa 只能手洗。Lisa 的房间暖气坏了,父亲同样不打算出钱修理。Lisa 去哈佛大学读书后,父亲很生气,甚至不愿与她交流。

I felt that I was with him and also alone.
母亲总能为父亲的行为找到某种貌似合理的解释,Laurene 则坦陈:"We’re just cold people."

父亲临终前对 Lisa 说:"I owe you one." 但 Laurene 告诉她:"I don’t believe in deathbed revelations."

作为乔布斯的非婚生女儿,Lisa 生活在一个并不普通,也不正常的家庭。但她的家庭矛盾似乎真切存在于每一个普通家庭之中,多变却寻常。有读者告诉 Lisa:“我就是那个母亲。”写作者与阅读者在这种人类情感的共通之处获得共鸣。